Journal Entry Lines

Journal Entry Lines

Journal entry lines represent individual transactions within journal entries. While they are typically accessed as part of journal entries, this endpoint provides direct access to query lines across multiple journal entries with advanced filtering capabilities.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /journal-entry-lines List journal entry lines

Query Parameters

The GET /journal-entry-lines endpoint supports the following query parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
client_account_id integer Yes Filter by client account ID. Must be one of the user’s eligible client accounts
from_date date No Filter lines from this posting date (inclusive)
to_date date No Filter lines until this posting date (inclusive)
account_code string[] No Filter by one or more account codes
relation_type string No Filter by relation type
relation_id integer No Filter by relation ID
reconciliation_status string[] No Filter by reconciliation status
include_externally_reconciled boolean No Whether to include externally reconciled lines
include_drafts boolean No Whether to include lines from draft journal entries
order_by string No Sort order (default: posting_date asc)
page integer No Page number for pagination (default: 1)
per_page integer No Number of items per page (default: 100)


Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of the journal entry line
journal_entry_id integer The ID of the parent journal entry
line_id integer The line number within the journal entry
posting_date date The date of the transaction
description string The description of the line item
account_code string The code of the accounting account
account_id integer The ID of the accounting account
debit decimal The debit amount in the base currency
debit_fc decimal The debit amount in foreign currency
credit decimal The credit amount in the base currency
credit_fc decimal The credit amount in foreign currency
currency_code string The code of the currency used
currency_id integer The ID of the currency used
exchange_rate decimal The exchange rate used for currency conversion
tax_code string The tax code applied to the line
tax_code_id integer The ID of the tax code
tax_base_amount decimal The base amount for tax calculation
tax_base_amount_fc decimal The base amount for tax calculation in foreign currency
tax_amount decimal The calculated tax amount
tax_amount_fc decimal The calculated tax amount in foreign currency
tax_line string Indicates if this is a tax line
tax_for_line integer The ID of the line this tax applies to
reconciled_amount decimal The amount that has been reconciled
reconciled_amount_fc decimal The amount that has been reconciled in foreign currency
external_reconciled_amount decimal The amount reconciled externally


Relationship Type Description
journal_entry JournalEntry The parent journal entry
dimensions [JournalEntryDimension] The dimensions associated with this line

Example Response

    "id": 1,
    "journal_entry_id": 1,
    "line_id": 1,
    "posting_date": "2023-05-10",
    "description": "Sample transaction",
    "account_code": "1920",
    "account_id": 1,
    "debit": "100.00",
    "debit_fc": "100.00",
    "credit": "0.00",
    "credit_fc": "0.00",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "currency_id": 1,
    "exchange_rate": "1.0000",
    "tax_code": "VAT",
    "tax_code_id": 1,
    "tax_base_amount": "100.00",
    "tax_base_amount_fc": "100.00",
    "tax_amount": "10.00",
    "tax_amount_fc": "10.00",
    "tax_line": null,
    "tax_for_line": null,
    "reconciled_amount": "0.00",
    "reconciled_amount_fc": "0.00",
    "external_reconciled_amount": "0.00",
    "journal_entry": {
        "id": 1,
        "sequence_number": 1,
        "memo": "Sample journal entry"
    "dimensions": []


  • The client_account_id must be one of the eligible client accounts for the authenticated user.
  • The journal_entry and dimensions relationships are included by default in the response.
  • All amounts are returned as string representations of decimal numbers.
  • The _fc suffix on amount fields represents “foreign currency” amounts.
  • When filtering by account_code or reconciliation_status, you can provide multiple values as a comma-separated list.
  • The default sort order is by posting_date in ascending order.

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