Journal Entries API
Journal entries are the fundamental records of financial transactions in Snapbooks. They capture the movement of value between accounts and serve as the foundation for financial reporting, supporting various transaction types including sales, purchases, payments, receipts, and adjustments.
API Endpoints
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /journal-entries | List journal entries |
POST | /journal-entries | Create a journal entry |
GET | /journal-entries/{id} | Get a journal entry |
PUT | /journal-entries/{id} | Update a journal entry |
PATCH | /journal-entries/{id} | Partially update a journal entry |
DELETE | /journal-entries/{id} | Delete a journal entry |
List Journal Entries
GET /journal-entries
Retrieve a paginated list of journal entries with filtering options.
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
client_account_id | integer | Yes | Filter by client account ID (must be from user’s eligible accounts) |
date_from | date | No | Filter entries from this date (inclusive) |
date_to | date | No | Filter entries to this date (inclusive) |
page | integer | No | Page number for pagination (default: 1) |
per_page | integer | No | Number of items per page (default: 100) |
Journal Entry Properties
Main Attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | The ID of the journal entry |
created_at | date | Creation timestamp |
created_by_id | integer | Creator’s user ID |
updated_at | date | Last update timestamp |
updated_by_id | integer | Last updater’s user ID |
client_account_id | integer | Associated client account ID |
sequence_number | integer | Sequential identifier |
memo | string | Transaction description |
cancelled | string | Cancellation status |
cancelled_by_id | integer | Canceller’s user ID |
cancellation_entry_id | integer | ID of cancellation entry |
cancellation_reason | string | Reason for cancellation |
is_draft | boolean | Draft status indicator |
voucher_id | integer | Associated voucher ID |
relation_type | string | Related entity type |
relation_id | integer | Related entity ID |
Journal Entry Line Properties
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | integer | Line item ID |
journal_entry_id | integer | Parent entry ID |
line_id | integer | Line sequence number |
posting_date | date | Transaction date |
description | string | Line item description |
account_code | string | GL account code |
account_id | integer | GL account ID |
debit | decimal | Base currency debit amount |
debit_fc | decimal | Foreign currency debit amount |
credit | decimal | Base currency credit amount |
credit_fc | decimal | Foreign currency credit amount |
currency_code | string | Currency code |
currency_id | integer | Currency ID |
exchange_rate | decimal | Currency conversion rate |
tax_code | string | Applied tax code |
tax_code_id | integer | Tax code ID |
tax_base_amount | decimal | Base amount for tax |
tax_base_amount_fc | decimal | Foreign currency base amount for tax |
tax_amount | decimal | Calculated tax amount |
tax_amount_fc | decimal | Foreign currency tax amount |
tax_line | string | Tax line indicator |
tax_for_line | integer | Related line ID for tax |
reconciled_amount | decimal | Reconciled amount |
reconciled_amount_fc | decimal | Foreign currency reconciled amount |
external_reconciled_amount | decimal | External reconciliation amount |
Related Resources
Relationship | Type | Description |
created_by | User | Entry creator |
updated_by | User | Last updater |
lines | JournalEntryLine | Entry line items |
lines.dimensions | [Dimension] | Line dimensions |
lines.account | GeneralLedgerAccount | Associated GL account |
lines.account.mandatory_dimensions | [MandatoryDimension] | Required dimensions |
Example Response
"id": 1,
"created_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
"created_by_id": 1,
"updated_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
"updated_by_id": 1,
"client_account_id": 1,
"sequence_number": 1,
"memo": "Sample journal entry",
"cancelled": null,
"cancelled_by_id": null,
"cancellation_entry_id": null,
"cancellation_reason": null,
"is_draft": false,
"voucher_id": null,
"relation_type": null,
"relation_id": null,
"lines": [
"id": 1,
"journal_entry_id": 1,
"line_id": 1,
"posting_date": "2023-05-10",
"description": "Sample line item",
"account_code": "1000",
"account_id": 1,
"debit": "100.00",
"debit_fc": "100.00",
"credit": "0.00",
"credit_fc": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD",
"currency_id": 1,
"exchange_rate": "1.0000",
"tax_code": "VAT",
"tax_code_id": 1,
"tax_base_amount": "100.00",
"tax_base_amount_fc": "100.00",
"tax_amount": "10.00",
"tax_amount_fc": "10.00",
"tax_line": null,
"tax_for_line": null,
"reconciled_amount": "0.00",
"reconciled_amount_fc": "0.00",
"external_reconciled_amount": "0.00",
"dimensions": [],
"account": {
"id": 1,
"account_code": "1000",
"description": "Bank Account",
"mandatory_dimensions": []
Important Notes
- Updates and deletions are restricted to draft entries
- Client account ID must be from user’s eligible accounts
- Line items are automatically managed with entry operations
- Currency fields with
suffix indicate foreign currency amounts - Tax fields support VAT and other tax calculations
- Cancellation via PATCH with
cancelled: "Y"
creates reversal entry - GET endpoints include related resources by default