Files API


Files represent uploaded documents, images, and other attachments in the system. They can be associated with various entities such as commercial documents, journal entries, and other business objects.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /files List files
POST /files Upload a file
GET /files/{id} Get a specific file
DELETE /files/{id} Delete a file
GET /files/{id}/download Download a file

Query Parameters

The GET /files endpoint supports the following query parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
client_account_id integer Yes Filter by client account ID
type string No Filter by file type
is_active boolean No Filter by active status
page integer No Page number for pagination (default: 1)
per_page integer No Number of items per page (default: 100)

File Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer The unique identifier of the file
created_at date When the file was created
created_by_id integer The ID of the user who created the file
updated_at date When the file was last updated
updated_by_id integer The ID of the user who last updated the file
client_account_id integer The ID of the client account
type string Type of file (e.g., “FILE”, “VOUCHER”)
file_name string Original name of the file
content_type string MIME type of the file
channel string Upload channel identifier
file_size integer Size of the file in bytes
is_active boolean Whether the file is active

File URLs

Files can have multiple versions with different URLs:

URL Type Description
thumbnail_url URL for a small thumbnail preview (expires in 1 hour)
download_url URL to download the optimized version (expires in 1 hour)
original_url URL for the original uploaded file (expires in 1 hour)


Relationship Type Description
source_file UploadedFile The original file this was derived from
target_files [UploadedFile] Files derived from this file

Example Response

    "id": 1,
    "created_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
    "created_by_id": 123,
    "updated_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
    "updated_by_id": 123,
    "client_account_id": 1,
    "type": "VOUCHER",
    "file_name": "invoice.pdf",
    "content_type": "application/pdf",
    "channel": "web_upload",
    "file_size": 1024576,
    "is_active": true,
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "original_url": ""


  • Files can be associated with documents either directly or as attachments
  • Files can have multiple derivative versions (thumbnails, optimized versions)
  • All URLs are pre-signed and expire after one hour
  • The system automatically generates optimized versions and thumbnails for supported file types
  • Files marked as inactive are not deleted but hidden from normal queries
  • When uploading a file, you can include base64-encoded content using the content_base64 field (only during upload)

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