General Ledger Accounts

General Ledger Accounts API

General ledger (GL) accounts are the foundation of your accounting system in Snapbooks. They provide a structured way to store and categorize financial information for bank accounts, sales, expenses, and other financial transactions in accordance with Norwegian accounting standards.

Available Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET /general-ledger-accounts List general ledger accounts
GET /general-ledger-accounts/{id} Get a specific general ledger account

List General Ledger Accounts

GET /general-ledger-accounts

Retrieve a paginated list of general ledger accounts with optional filtering.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
description string - Filter accounts by description
country_code string “NO” Filter accounts by country code (currently only “NO” supported)
order_by string - Sort the results
page integer 1 The page number for pagination
per_page integer 100 The number of items per page

Account Attributes

Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of the general ledger account
created_at date The date and time when the account was created
created_by_id integer The ID of the user that created the account
updated_at date The date and time when the account was last updated
updated_by_id integer The ID of the user that last updated the account
account_code string The unique code for the account
description string The description of the account (language-dependent)
category_code_1 string The primary category code
category_description_1 string The description of the primary category (language-dependent)
category_code_2 string The secondary category code
category_description_2 string The description of the secondary category (language-dependent)
category_code_3 string The tertiary category code
category_description_3 string The description of the tertiary category (language-dependent)
is_active boolean Indicates whether the account is active
country_code string The country code associated with the account


Relationship Type Description
mandatory_dimensions [MandatoryDimension] The mandatory dimensions associated with the account

Important Notes

  • Language Support: Descriptions and category descriptions are language-dependent and will be returned based on the user’s locale settings
  • Country Support: Currently only supports Norwegian country code (“NO”)
  • Pagination: Results are paginated by default
  • Active Status: Inactive accounts are excluded from the default list response
  • Error Handling: Using unsupported country codes will result in a BadRequest error

For practical examples and implementation details, refer to our Getting Started Guide.

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