Client Accounts

Client Accounts

Client accounts represent individual business entities within the system. Each client account has its own settings, users, and business data.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /client-accounts List client accounts
GET /client-accounts/{id} Get a specific client account
PUT/PATCH /client-accounts/{id} Update a client account

Query Parameters

The GET /client-accounts endpoint supports the following query parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
order_by string No Sort order
page integer No Page number for pagination (default: 1)
per_page integer No Number of items per page (default: 100)


Attribute Type Description
id integer The unique identifier of the client account
created_at datetime When the client account was created
created_by_id integer The ID of the user who created the account
updated_at datetime When the account was last updated
updated_by_id integer The ID of the user who last updated the account
unique_name string Unique identifier for the account
display_name string Display name for the account
is_active boolean Whether the account is active
accounting_currency string The main currency used for accounting
organization_id integer The ID of the associated organization
organization_number string The organization number
metadata object Additional metadata for the account


Relationship Type Description
organization Organization The associated organization
users [ClientAccountUser] Users with access to this account
provider_contracts [Contract] Contracts where this account is the provider
client_contracts [Contract] Contracts where this account is the client
settings ClientAccountSettings Historical settings for this account
current_settings ClientAccountSettings Current active settings
statistics object Statistical information about the account

Example Response

    "id": 1,
    "created_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
    "created_by_id": 1,
    "updated_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
    "updated_by_id": 1,
    "unique_name": "acme-corp",
    "display_name": "ACME Corporation",
    "is_active": true,
    "accounting_currency": "EUR",
    "organization_id": 1,
    "organization_number": "123456789",
    "metadata": {
        "industry": "Technology",
        "size": "Medium"
    "organization": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "ACME Corporation"
    "current_settings": {
        "id": 1,
        "active_from": "2023-01-01",
        "plan": "ENTERPRISE",
        "vat_liable": true,
        "project_module": true,
        "bank_integration_module": true
    "statistics": {
        "total_users": 10,
        "active_projects": 5


  • Only users with appropriate permissions can access a client account.
  • The unique_name must be unique across all client accounts.
  • When updating a client account, only certain fields can be modified (unique_name, display_name, is_active, accounting_currency, metadata).
  • The created_by_id/updated_by_id is automatically set to the authenticated user’s ID.
  • All dates are returned in ISO 8601 format.
  • Settings are versioned with active_from/active_to dates to track changes over time.

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