The banking module provides resources for managing bank accounts, transactions, and payment operations. It handles both incoming and outgoing payments, bank statement reconciliation, and payment processing.
Bank Accounts
Bank accounts are the foundation of banking operations, representing both house bank accounts (owned by the client account) and business partner bank accounts. They store account details and are used for transactions and payments.
Learn more about Bank Accounts
Bank Statements
Bank statements provide period-based views of bank account activity. They include:
- Transaction grouping by day/month/year
- Balance tracking and validation
- Reconciliation status indicators
- Links to imported statement documents
Learn more about Bank Statements
Bank Transactions
Bank transactions record the actual movement of money in bank accounts. They can be:
- Imported from bank statements
- Created manually
- Generated from payment processing
- Used for reconciliation
Each transaction includes detailed information about the transfer, including amounts, dates, and references.
Learn more about Bank Transactions
Payment Requests
Payment requests represent instructions to transfer money between bank accounts. They support:
- Different payment types (e.g., credit transfers)
- Various payment means (e.g., SEPA)
- Single or multiple transfers
- Status tracking and rejection handling
Learn more about Payment Requests
Posted Payments
Posted payments represent completed payment transactions in the system. They provide:
- Record of executed payments
- Link to source documents (e.g., invoices)
- Transfer details
- Reconciliation status
Learn more about Posted Payments
Resource Relationships
The banking resources are interconnected in the following ways:
- Bank Accounts
- Associated with client accounts or business partners
- Used in bank transactions as source/destination
- Referenced in payment requests and posted payments
- Linked to bank statements for period tracking
- Bank Statements
- Group transactions by time periods
- Track start and end balances
- Include reconciliation status
- Link to imported statement documents
- Bank Transactions
- Linked to bank accounts
- Can have multiple statement entries
- May be reconciled with documents
- Can generate accounting questions
- Payment Requests
- Include one or more transfers
- Reference bank accounts for debtors and creditors
- Can result in posted payments
- May generate reconciliation entries
- Posted Payments
- Include transfer details
- Link to source documents
- Reference bank accounts
- Can have reconciliation entries
Common Operations
Common banking operations include:
- Managing Bank Accounts
- Creating and updating bank account details
- Linking accounts to business partners
- Setting up house bank accounts
- Processing Transactions
- Importing bank statements
- Recording manual transactions
- Reconciling transactions with documents
- Managing transaction statements
- Handling Payments
- Creating payment requests
- Processing transfers
- Recording posted payments
- Tracking payment status
- Reconciliation
- Matching transactions with documents
- Recording reconciliation entries
- Managing external reconciliation
- Handling reconciliation questions
Each resource’s documentation provides detailed information about available endpoints, query parameters, and response formats.