Business Partners

Business Partners

Business partners are the companies and people that you work with. They can be your suppliers, customers, employees, owners or any other person/company that you interact with. Business partners are one of the most important resources in Snapbooks, and are used in journal entries, invoices, credit notes, payment lists and more.


Method Endpoint Description
GET /business-partners List business partners
POST /business-partners Create a business partner
GET /business-partners/{id} Get a business partner
PUT /business-partners/{id} Update a business partner

Query Parameters

The GET /business-partners endpoint supports the following query parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
client_account_id integer Yes Filter by client account ID. Must be one of the user’s eligible client accounts
is_organization boolean No Filter by organization status
organization_id integer No Filter by organization ID
user_id integer No Filter by user ID
is_active boolean No Filter by active status (default: true)
free_text string No Search in business partner fields
page integer No Page number for pagination (default: 1)
per_page integer No Number of items per page (default: 100)


Attribute Type Description
id integer The ID of the business partner
created_at datetime The date and time when the business partner was created
created_by_id integer The ID of the user that created the business partner
updated_at datetime The date and time when the business partner was last updated
updated_by_id integer The ID of the user that last updated the business partner
client_account_id integer The ID of the client account this partner belongs to
sequence_number integer The sequence number of the business partner
name string The name of the business partner
is_organization boolean Whether the business partner is an organization or not
organization_id integer The organization ID of the business partner
organization_number string The organization number of the business partner
user_id integer The ID of the associated user, if any
address string The address of the business partner
zip string The zip code of the business partner
city string The city of the business partner
state string The state of the business partner
country string The country code of the business partner
email string The email address of the business partner
is_active boolean Whether the business partner is active or not


Relationship Type Description
organization Organization The organization of the business partner
user User The associated user account
bank_accounts BankAccount The bank accounts of the business partner
sending_methods string[] The methods used for sending documents to this partner
statistics object Statistical information about the business partner

Example Response

    "id": 1,
    "created_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
    "created_by_id": 1,
    "updated_at": "2023-05-10T12:00:00Z",
    "updated_by_id": 1,
    "client_account_id": 1,
    "sequence_number": 1001,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "is_organization": false,
    "organization_id": 1245,
    "organization_number": "123456789",
    "user_id": null,
    "address": "Street 1",
    "zip": "1234",
    "city": "City",
    "state": "State",
    "country": "NO",
    "email": "",
    "is_active": true,
    "organization": {
        "id": 1245,
        "name": "ACME Corp"
    "user": null,
    "bank_accounts": [
            "id": 1,
            "account_number": "12345678901"
    "sending_methods": ["email", "peppol"],
    "statistics": {
        "total_invoices": 10,
        "open_invoices": 2


  • The client_account_id must be one of the eligible client accounts for the authenticated user.
  • When creating or updating a business partner, the created_by_id/updated_by_id is automatically set to the authenticated user’s ID.
  • Relationships can be included by specifying them in the with_relations parameter.
  • The sequence_number is automatically assigned when creating a new business partner.
  • The statistics and sending_methods relationships provide additional information about the partner’s activity and communication preferences.
  • All dates are returned in ISO 8601 format.

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